Monday, June 14, 2010

June 13th: Cry In The Night

Well, in old movies there always tends to be a beautiful girl, who gets to be the damsel in distress, The villain, usually a guy who just wants money or something, and they guy who rescues the damsel, handsome guy who gets her in the end. In a technical sense, this movie has all of those, but not quite to the perfect definition.

Natalie Wood was a child star, and the most you'll prolly know her from is the musical Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story. Well, she stars as a cute little girl named Liz, who's opening scene is with her and her boyfriend on 'Lover's Loop'. (Don't play dumb. Every town has one.) Anyways, they're out there making out in his pretty little car when a creeper starts watching them. When the buff boyfriend goes to deal with him he gets knocked out and creepy drives off with Liz in that pretty car.

So Liz, as our damsel, isn't quite helpless, as she tries to get out of the creeps hands a few times, without success though. Our weirdo isn't typical either. He doesn't want money or to violate her, but rather just company, like a helpless Quasi Motto. Hes' really very insane and pretty damn scary though. Now are big guy to save the day? Not the boyfriend. Actually, it's Liz's father, who is a policeman and can't help but be on the case against his boss's will.

It;s a quick hour and 15 minute drama that really keeps your attention. I didn't expect it to be good at all but really did end up liking it. Nothing on Youtube but it was on TCM when I saw it.

The Flick Chick, Signing off.

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