Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3rd: Support Your Local Sheriff!

Okay, so your not a western person. They bore you, maybe. The mellow drama. They're slow paced until the very end when there's an ending tat only makes sense if you've payed attention the whole time, and you just woke up. Not to mention the reason you fell asleep was because most westerns you've seen have the exact same plot and choppy cuts that's traditional for them, aside Spaghettis. Nobody blames you at all. A lot of people really can't get into westerns. This movie, however, will give you an entirely different perspective on the genre 'western'.

Support Your Local Sheriff came out in 1968 starring James Garner. If you are a girl or have ever had a girlfriend you more than likely have seen Garner play the old man in that boring The Notebook film (Yeah, Westerns are boring but The Notebook is a modern classic, right?....sure). Here, though, Garner is much younger playing a Mr. Jason McCullough, a man just passing through a small territorial town on his way to Australia (which he somehow is getting to by going through the country-land very very slowly).

On his way through town, Jason already demonstrates his Smart-Elec cunning and sense of humor, and that (Aside his amazingly impressive gunman ship) lands him a quick job as a sheriff. The remainder of the film is his week long adventures training the town to his liking and getting the new-coming miners to behave if they want the gold they came so far for, as well as flirting with the mayors Daughter, Prudy (Poor kid. Hope it's short for Prudence), who is a little to ditsy to be a lady, but has a good heart all the same.

Now, what sets this movie apart is that its first genre is not western; it's Comedy. The movie is written first and foremost as a comedy, not a drama like other movies that take place around the same time. So, the adventure is filled with witty dialog and physical comedy that any age would get a kick out of. The movie is G rated, and the photography is such that you won't notice that it's any older than anything coming out today, they only thing that really gives it away is the starchy audio quality.

Here's a scene I found on YouTube that just so happens to be my one of my favorites in the movie.It's a few minutes long right after Jason gets the job after watching a quick murder in the saloon.

Its really a great family movie, only about an hour and a half long, and didn't leave me fidgety at all.

This is the Flick Chick, Signing off.

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