Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1st: These Wilder Years

Some treasure are collected over time, then hidden for the next keeper. Some are well kept secrets that no one wants to uncover in fear of spoiling a legend so long known. But some, Like this short little movie, are just found on accident.

These Wilder Years came out in 1956 starring a guy named James Cagney, who looked familiar to me, but I didn't know him at all. My father, however, knew him almost right away. He plays a very rich man, Steve, looking for his son. As a young kid he got a girl pregnant, then left, saying it could have been any of 16-men's son (are they always total a-holes after you trust them enough to sleep with them? Jerk.....). ANYWAYS, He's looking to make up for that 20 years later by finding his son. This guy looks everywhere. Along the way, he gets himself into a battle for information with an Orphanage keeper, and makes friends with a young pregnant girl who reminds him of the girl he never knew he was in love with all along. Over all, Steve learns that his money will never get him everything he wants, and even grows up a bit. In the end, You'll have to find out if he ever meets his son, and how he gains a whole new family.

The movie is great if you love a good drama, or even if you're just looking fir something to occupy some time, considering its only a little over an hour. Still, I was a tad fidgety, but still a movie that makes you think about a lot of stuff, and has a great court case for those who appreciate one. It's rated G, but more of an intellectual movie, so i don't recommend it for any with a mental age younger than twelve(which you must understand how many of my high-school classmates have the mental age of a nine-year-old), 'cause you'll just get bored.

YouTube has failed me, and has nothing on this movie, but you can prolly find it on TCM sometime, or in one of those old movie collections at Sam's Club (don't be to cool to shop there; I'm not)

Anyways, This is the Flick Chick, Signing off.

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