Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 14th: Splendor in The Grass

Girls are very very interesting when it comes to guys. A lot of us will do anything for the right guy. We'll tell him what he wants to hear, do what he wants us to do and so on. Then there are some of us (Like myself) who sit on the side-lines and pity the others. This is the situation that was called again while I watched todays film.

Splendor in the Grass came out in 1961 starring (Again) Natalie Wood as cute little "Deanie" Looms from 1928. She's an adorable high-school student who loves life and is love with a guy named Bud. Typical high-school romance except that in my opinion this guy is a complete ASSHOLE. Deanie becomes the Ophelia of the 1920's which, if you know anything of Hamlet, Ophelia was his squeeze who HE DROVE INSANE.

Okay, so the entire first half of the movie is Bud trying to get Deanie to have sex with him, but she doesn't want to. She was taught not to do anything like that unless she was married. Now, the 20's were somewhat of a cultural revolution for women where they became much more free with themselves, so Deanie's being expose to girls who are very into freedom and well, sex, including Bud's own sister. Still, she's a good girl and stays a virgin (which I admire actually) so Bud, being an asshole, Dumps her and starts banging the Class slut.

Wow. Can you imagine that? "Sorry honey but because you have a decent amount of respect for yourself I like this girl more." The sad fact is that that actually happens a lot. This is my public service message: Girls, Sex should never be why a man claims he loves you. You deserve a person who will respect your decisions about sex no-matter what they may be. Really.
Anyways, If you've ever been a high-schooler, you know everything gets around. So everybody knows on Monday what Deanie wasn't doing, and because of all this pressure the last half of this movie is spent watching her go crazy. Well, don't be to upset. She meets her husband in the loony bin and ends up okay.

The movie kept my attention the full 2 hours, but the story is AWFUL. It's very entertaining, but very depressing. Whats impressive is seeing Natalie Wood, Hollywood classic good girl, playing a crazy. She does a great job.

The Chick Of Flick, Signing off

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