Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 30th: Mr. Roberts

Everyone Pretty much knows It's Memorial day because of all the beer parties and camp-outs that are going on this weekend, so it shouldn't come as much a surprise that TCM is celebrating with movies, War movies. Well, though there are always good ones, only so many war movies have actually held my interest. My mom was searching TCM for something, saw this, and her automatic response was to look at me and with her eyes ask 'How's that. I can find movies too,huh?' Well, I was less than enthused just at the whole "war movie" deal, but I figured it had to be better than All About Eve. Later today she asked her father (who comes over for dinner once a week) if that was the movie where they threw the palm tree overboard. Okay, more intrigued. And I watched mostly for the idea of wondering how the heck a palm tree was thrown in.

Mister Roberts come out in 1955 starring Henry Fonda. Well, we all saw his daughter in my bad guess movie, Sunday In New York. Here, He's a Lt. Roberts, Usually just called Roberts or Dug, on a Navy cargo ship during WWII. Roberts is the crew rep. to the Captain, who really comes off as a bitter old lady with an abnormal obsession with his sacred palm tree.

Roberts is constantly fighting for the rights or even tiny privileges of the men, serving as the leader against the crews rivalry against the captain, but also serving like a big brother to the entire crew during the antics they pull.
The movie has an amazing ending, both just an adorable, and serves to the end of a really great film. The picture is only about two hours long, and isn't rated, but there is NOTHING to worry about with even the youngest of kids watching it.

Well, thinking about changing the layout to be a little brighter and easier to follow. Wish me luck!

The Flick Chick

Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29th: The African Queen

One of the fondest memories I have from my childhood was sleeping over at my Grandma Anne and Uncle Jerry's place because they lived all the way in Arizona. My mother and father once let my brother and I stay over the night all by ourselves. My Grandparents were about as excited as we were (If not more) And we ate chocolate Popsicles while watching some old movie. I remember they all fell asleep to this, but I stayed awake, To intrigued by the story to sleep. Now we live in Arizona, And I asked Grandpa to lend me the VHS for my project.
I love this Movie.

The African Queen came out in 1951, starring Katharine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. This is a great Adventure romance, with a little bit of a hanging ending. Katharine Hepburn stars as a Bible-happy Missionary,Rose, who, with her brother, started a church in an African village just before WWI. Bogart enters as Charlie, the scruffy Delivery guy, a real Yank to the two pristine British siblings.
The German troops attack and burn down the village that Rose and her brother were volunteering in. When the two are the only ones left, her brother goes crazy over the tradgity, and dies in only days. When Charlie comes back, he and Rose bury the body, and take off down the river before the German's come back, Sailing the African Queen down Africa. Well, they come up with an idea to make a torpedo and send it at the boat that attacked, but in the mean time, the story is about these two complete opposites try to live in the same boat, avoiding all kinds of disasters. Of course, everyone knows, opposites attract.

This movie is in Technicolor, and great as a family movie, if it was so great to me as a little ten-year-old. Not rated, but I'd give it about a PG, and highly recommend it.
This really picked me up after yesterdays disappointment, and I wasn't fidgety at all.

Project continues well. And hey! Africa!

The Flick Chick

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28th: All About Eve

Dear Readers, I found my bad review. Well, This movie stars Bette Davis as Margo, an actress on Broadway. Bette Davis really is just an old movie actress, but you may know her now from the hit song Bette Davis Eyes. The movie came out in 1950, but I can't explain to you any plot. Basically, a Younger girl adores Margo, seeing every show of every play she's in. After Margo meets the girl, Eve, they hit it off and Eve becomes her assistant.

After a while, Margo notices that Eve continues copying her more and more, and Eve even makes moves at her husband, and gets a huge part she wanted in a friends play. All this is is Eve being an evil, devious person, clawing her way over people because she seemed so shy and polite. Margo is portrayed as the witch on stage until the end, where Eve is found out.

I fell asleep. Well, nearly. This movie did nothing but waist two hours of me life. The only thing that intrigued me at all was the few soliloquies (Long speeches made by characters talking to themselves), about how theater is for the outcasts, not every other person who wants to be noticed. Though this gets raving reviews and awards, it sucks. It really bored me to tears.

P.S. New York again

Remember, Anyone can be a jerk on stage; Takes an outcast to really pull it off

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 27th: Sunday in New York

My Dad told me that I wasn't a real review-ist until I wrote a negative review. This made sense to me, so I decided to review a movie I really didn't like. Totally thought I had found it when I saw the description for this one. I had right away guessed it to be boring, and was even disappointed in watching it, sure that it would be awful.

Well, just from that you can infer that my guessing is awful because I really can't write a bad review about this film.

Sunday in New York came out in 1963 starring one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen :Jane Fonda. I didn't know it was her in the movie until I read more than the description and her comedic attitude surely added to this story what it wouldn't have had otherwise.

Fonda stars as a 22-year-old woman, Aileen, who is no local to New York (as shown just by seeing her clumsiness walk around
) She comes to New York to visit her brother, Adam, and ask him a question: Should a girl just sleep with a man when he expects her to? Aileen has been having trouble with guys, because she wants to remain a virgin until marriage. Her brother (doing the natural big brother thing) convinces her that the answer is no, even telling her he is a virgin too to make her feel better (meanwhile, he's trying to get his sister to go away so he and his sweetheart can get it on for the millionth time.)

Well, Aileen believes him and goes about other business in New York for the morning, running into an awkward stranger when her pin gets stuck to his coat on the bus. He, in hopes to convince her ruining his jacket was okay between them, takes her to eat, but she ditches him, only to meet him on the same bus again. the two of them end up spending the day together, and become quite the friends. When they go back to her apartment, Aileen figures out Adam lied, and figured that the "No" answer was really a yes, and tries to seduce her new friend, Michael, by the way. He refuses to do anything with her because she is a virgin, but rather because he wants her to wait until she's married. The arguement over this is the best scene in the entire movie. But then!!!!! As the two are fighting in bathrobes, in come the guy that Aileen really thinks she's in love with to proclaim he's sorry about the Virgin thing, proclaiming his love for Aileen.
(This guy, must say, is a serious Schmuck to me. Its like "Yeah, It's okay you didn't want me, and it's also okay you made me want to sleep with a near stranger for your approval. Of course I'll marry you" Yeah....That'll happen).

That, my friends, is where the movie really erupts into craziness, and is a serious treat to watch. I'm not disappointed in not finding a bad movie if it led me to this one in he process.

YouTube has shamed me with it's having nothing in relation to this movie aside the opening credits song of the same name. Still, If you see it on TCM or anywhere else it's one of the better movies I've ever watched, just under 2 hours long, In color, and,aside moral standing and a few sexual commentaries (not raunchy, very discreet) Its a great movie to watch with Teens or adults. Not to mention, this movie is the best example of "the confusion without cell-phone" I have ever seen, because lack of communication leads to ALL of Adam's problems while we follow his story with Aileen's.

Never judge a book by its cover, nor movie by its Dish Network review.

Dear God, New York is a great place for old movies, but can I go back to Ireland or someplace new soon?

The Chick Of Flick

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26th: One-Eyed Jacks

Westerns are unlike any other genre in a few different ways. Thee is the obvious is the Cowboy fixation, but they are also filmed choppier to hold a different suspense from Dramas. Anyone who's watched even Mock-westerns in the odd T.V. show knows what I mean about this, seeing severe close-ups chopped up with far shots; It's not hard to recognize.

Spaghetti Westerns, however, are whats separated from the other western genre. Italian directors introduced sweeping camera movements into the western idea and this style has adapted into a mini- genre for westerns. One-Eyed Jacks is a good example of this.

The movie came out in 1961, starring and directed by Marlon Brando, who we all know as the Godfather. Brando Stars as "Kid" Rio, a bandit in 1880 with his partner and best friend, "Dad" Longworth (Karl Malden). Rio is a serious womanizer and total schmuck at the beginning of this film. After robbing a bank in small town in Mexico, the two are running from a posse, and get nearly cornered. They decide their horse is too weak, so Longworth goes and leaves Rio to get fast horses and come back. Except he never comes back. Rio ends up in jail for 5 years and comes out a changed man, for the most part.
Rio travels to Monterey, California, seeking revenge on Longsworth for letting him go to jail, but stays in Monterey, waiting out the new relationship with his 'Old Pal' , and falling for his beautiful Mexican Step-daughter.

The movie gets pretty intense once Rio's new buddies stir up to much trouble, and his anger at Longworth swells. The movie is in color, but more than two hours in length, being rather long-plotted. Still, really really good.

The movie can be seen here in one full piece.

Project continues well. Last day of school tomorrow then I belong to my blog for the summer!

The Chick of Flick

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25th: Breakfast at Tiffany's

This one I borrowed from a friend, but it's such a classic it can be found Everywhere. Breakfast at Tiffany's came out in 1961 Starring Audry Hepburn as Holly Golightly. Really, though, this story is about A man named Paul and what happens to him when he moves into the same building as Holly, and all the weird situations the two get into including (but not limited to):
  • Revealing Holly's true identity
  • Stealing masks from the toy store
  • Getting in trouble with the mafia
  • And the always climactic, Finding your nameless cat before making out in the rain
The movie is now a Hepburn classic, and originally Blake Edwards (the director ) had wanted Elizabeth Taylor to do the part. It just proves that when in theater, TRUST THE MUSES.

The movie is not only a classic for Hepburn, but also the one people bring up with mentioning how classy and stylish she is. Wow. Apparently two generations before this one people knew something because if I was as 'classy' As Audry Hepburn is this movie, people would think I'm insane. (Of course, most of them already do thing I'm insane......)

The movie is a great romantic comedy, and i think its a great date movie. Note: there is a difference between date movie and make-out movie in my book )

Well, back in New York today. I'm feeling a round trip theme erupting in old movies. For now,
The Chick of Flick, Signing off

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th: It's a Wonderful Life

We lived in a teeny home until I was in the third grade, my family and I. One of my most distinct memories is waking my dad up on weekend mornings when the sun was finally up because I had something new to talk about.
Once, I don't remember when for there were to many conversations to have in order, I asked him what his favorite movie was. He asked the question back, and I told him I couldn't have a favorite (as reflected in my project choice, and most of the rest of my interests). Well, my father told me his favorite movie was It's a Wonderful Life , so when I watched this for the first time that I could remember the plot, I think part of the reason I loved it so much was because how much of my father I saw in it.

The movie came out in 1946 starring Jimmy Stewart, currently my favorite actor, in the first thing I can really remember him in, another part of this movie that links me to my father who has a thing for Mr. Stewart. Anyways, the movie begins with a meeting of powerful angels, debating over how to help a man named George Bailey that they've received a lot of prayers about, so they show the story of his life. This man has spent his entire life giving up everything he has for others, giving up his dreams of traveling, but finding an amazing wife (Donna Reed) and staying in town where everyone knows him. Well, after a banking problem occurs in the bank he took over after his father's death, Bailey finally snaps and decided everything would be better if he were never born.....
This is when the angels send Bailey Clarence, a wingless angel who's to take on Bailey's cause to earn his wings and show him what the world would have been like without Bailey giving everything he had.

This movie is referenced EVERYWHERE. For one, tons of sitcoms love to make one of their characters the 'Bailey' in an episode to get them to see what their world would have been like, and the movie also had a part in Bruce Almighty where after watching Bailey tell a girl he'll give her the moon by pulling it down with a lasso, and then Bruce does it.

Its available in both color and black and white, but mostly back and white. Its a little longer than two hours (and by a little I mean exactly ten minutes). Any age can watch this, but not any age will enjoy it, because its a little slowly plotted, but a beautiful film none-the-less.

Well, in America today, I guess. Dunno what tomorrow's movie is yet but wish me luck!
The Flick Chick

But remember, Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 23rd: Psychomania

Wow. I watched this movie months ago at two in the morning with my mother as a random thing to do for fun, and thought of watching it again for my project.
The movie came out it in 1973 and is a big deal Brit cult film, a horror flick about a biker gang that wants to be immortal.

Te Living Dead Biker Gang really just stir up little troubles, scarring people but not getting into real trouble until Tom, their leader, decided that he wants to figure out the secret of death from the Frog worshiping cult his mother follows. (no joke....frogs ) Obviously this is already really corny sounding. But its complete with eerie 70's music and incognito murders once the gang starts coming back to life.

The real fun in watching this movie is to laugh at the absurdity of it all. It really got me to near laughing fits at times because its just that.......awful. Hehehe. Its something i love to hate, and just love to love. I find it pretty low rated in the long run, but you might wanna check it out for content before showing it to kids.

So, Its really very hilarious to watch. It can be found on TV once and a while but is also at

The Chick of Flick signing off.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My 22nd: The Hunchedback of Notre Dome

The criteria for The Turner Classic Movies Essential list aren't easy to make. For one, they prefer older movies, so anything new won't make the list for thirty to fifty years. Secondly, the movie has to display talent in art, acting, and moral. The Hunchedback of Notre Dame from 1939 was today's essential movie on TCM. This movie can be taken as a tragedy, a story in which a flaw causes the main character to suffer, or even die, but it is up to you to decide who is the tragic hero.

The movie features Charles Laughton as Quasi Motto, A disfigured man the confined himself to the church bell towers, afraid of ridicule. The towns folk in the small French city only thought him possessed. The Story really starts when Esmeralda, the very young gypsy girl played by Maureen O'Hara, sneaking into town limits despite gypsies been forbidden. We all remember Maureen O'Hara as Mary-Kate from The Quiet Man, a few days ago, but this was her first American film when she was in her teens, and even then a stunning beauty.

The story revolves around how everyone admires Esmeralda's beauty, and pursues her, half thinking she's a whore, when really she's very innocent and simply trying to live in one place without being chased away. She is Fascinated with the ideas of religion, thinking that the people in the church will help her people, who have really done nothing wrong, just traveling as a nomadic people just after the middle ages.

The movie is really a film of intellect, stretching just over two hours, showing the cruelty of people for things they don't understand, telling the stories of both Quasi Motto and Esmeralda: She, Shunned for being a beautiful outsider, and he, profiled for being a disfigured insider. The artistic photography is beautiful and nearly unreal for the time.

The movie is rated PG, but rather long-plotted, a film for one into analyzing story and characters to find hidden truths, unlike the Disneyfied version in which everyone ends up happy. By the end of this adventure story, Some end up dead, only two leave happily, and one person is left to suffer until the day they die.

The movie is actually very serious and even a little depressing, but I found my mind looking at every action from both Quasi and Esmeralda to find characteristics that I never expected. A real Treat to watch, and defiantly worthy of the essentials list.

This is the Chick Of Flick, Signing off

May 21st: Gentleman Prefer Blonds

Gentleman Prefer Blonds came out in 1953 Starring Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russel in a Musical thats about an hour and a half long with only six songs. The movie is VERY old time comedy, telling the story of two showgirls on their trip to Paris. The movie is only rated R due to topic matter, and also was rated in the 50's when that kind of thing was much more strict than it is now.

Anyways, the movie is simply the shenanigans that these two very different best friends get into. Lorelei (Monroe) is a complete bubble head, who really doesn't know much of anything at all except that she loves money and diamonds. She is EXTREMELY popular because of her looks and gelable nature. Dorthy (Russell) is much less popular, and is just looking for a good piece of meet, but in the mean time parties around with guys who really just wanna see Monroe.

This movie is really Hilarious, which I didn't expect from a Monroe film, and the music is very tolerable. Its a simple 50's styler that includes Monroe's Break Out song, Diamonds are A Girls Best Friend.

I know this movie can be pieced together on YouTube, I know, but otherwise I'd just scan TV.

Well, my project has brought me to England, the end of the world, New York, Paris, London, Ireland, and now Paris again, so I think its going well just yet. by the end of the summer I'll have seen the whole world.

This is the Chick Of Flicks, Signing off, and remember, Diamonds are a girls best friend

May 20th: The Quiet Man

Due to some internet problems, this post is kinda late, but Here we go!

Okay, so this was another one I found in my parents stash, only this one was in an envelope between some others, like a secret. It came out in 1952, and the movie stars John Wayne (And its not even a western!!!!) as an American named Sean who was born in Ireland, but moved away as a child, and who came back to buy back his Family's cottage in Castletown. Sean, through the whole movie, is keeping a secret of who he is and why he has moved back until we find out his tragic accident near the end, completing the story. The movie is narrated by castle town member, Father Lanigon, a hilarious man who routes for Sean through all his troubles.

Well, he runs into some trouble when he buys the house from the owner before a man who also wanted it, and the two end up with a little discomfort between each other. Meanwhile, Sean keeps catching glimpses of a red-haired beauty he's got eyes for, Mary-Kate, played by Maureen O'Hara.

Sean works up to talking to this girl, and they want to attempt 'Courting' (Going out only much more proper), but in Ireland, everything a sister does must be approved by her brother first, and of course, Mary-Kate's brother is the man who hates Sean for steeling a house out from under him. The movie is all of Sean's story in Ireland trying so hard to get Mary-Kate to marry him, all the problems that occur with her bad-temper and stubborn nature, and all the fights this ex-boxer must go through for what he wants.
The movie is just a few minutes over two hours but NEVER was I once bored with the story. This copy was in color, but it can probably be found in both, and rated at about PG. If nothing else, Its worth watching for the Beautiful photography of Ireland's country land.

I Highly recommend this movie, loving it every second.

The Flick Chick, Signing off

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19th: The Trouble With Angels

I live in a house of Movie and book lovers, so both collections are rather impressive. I found this one while looking around, and both of my parents recommended it. I feel like I have to much to say about this movie.

Well, When I was in my more rebelious years, everything I did or said gave my mother reason to threaten to send me to a convent so the nuns could fix me. Now I know where that Idea came from. The Trouble With Angels came out in 1956 in Black and white but is now available in stunning color.
The story is of the mini adventures that take place at St. Francis Academy after Mary Clancy (Hayley Mills) and her friend Rachel are sent to a boarding school run by Reverend Mother (Rosalind Russel), a nun proven to be tougher than any teenage girl.
Now we all know Hayley Mills as the cute little girl from the original Parent Trap, and the direction in this movie is similar, but her same charm is defiantly put through.
Mary us a high spirited trouble making rebel and knows it, causing trouble for all three years she spends after her uncle sends her to be 'shaped up'. After arriving she meets Rachel, who carries on as her evil minion, but with a very clumsy and Goofy character that she tries to hide while trying to be special.
Both girls wind up in all kind of trouble, quickly becoming known for it. The movie is PG, and really adorable. Its a little lengthy at 2 hours, but completely darling in every way. Defiantly great for teenagers.
Heres just a tiny tidbit that I could find, sadly there's not much more on YouTube.

This is an amazing movie and a treat for the summer.

The Flick Chick, Signing off.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18th: The Last Time I Saw Paris

Okay, so this one was a little different from what I've seen so far. The movie The Last Time I Saw Paris came out in 1954 starring Elizabeth Taylor. Now, if you live under a rock or are under the age of thirty, the only places you've really heard that name is the designer label and the name of Charlotte's dog on Sex And the City, but really she was a big time actress in those good old days. She stars in this movie as a rather mischievous little woman named Helen Elsworth who meets a man at a party in Paris celebrating France's end in WW II. The man she picks up, Charles, ends up falling madly in love with her and they get married after a few weeks.

The story is really more about Charles, played by Van Johnson, who's quick paced flashback is the majority of the film, showing his life go through struggle as he enters a self destructive state that is ended tragically. Though it was about 2 hours long and made me a little fidgety, the movies ending was worth the wait. The movie isn't rated and has nothing to worry about with kids. But really, it's the kind of movie you curl up and watch with a glass of tea on a rainy day.

You can watch this movie for free right on YouTube at
Otherwise this movie can be found in black and white or color. The YouTube is color I believe.

Thanks again guys!

Love from the Flick Chick

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17th: The Good-bye Girl

Well, I was sick over the weekend with a yucky ear infection and recovering today, but really I watched this movie yesterday when it come on TCM.
So, before this country had a love affair for the author Nickolaus Sparks (The Notebook, the last song, etc.), it had one for a play write named Neil Simon. Neil Simon write all kinds of stories that are famous plays today, but one of his first tries at screen writing ended with the production of The Goodbye Girl that came out in 1977. (yes, this one's in color).

Well, It starts out with our main character, Barbara, coming home with her 10 year old daughter, Lucy, to find that her boyfriend Tony left their apartment and ran away to Italy, leaving just a note behind. (for those of us who have ever been dumped with a note.....
). Anyways, Heart broken, our character (even as immature as she is at first) looks as if shes going to live through being dumped on.
But then:
In comes Richard Dreyfuss in my favorite part I've seen him in yet. Anyone who's seen Jaws knows Dreyfuss right? Well, here he's an actor ( seeming a little like one who was happy in the late '60's ) who Tony rented the apartment to without telling Barbara. Obviously, these to get off to a bad start right away, but end up agreeing to share the apartment. Everything that follows is in their attempt to keep the deal they made in the first place.

The witty dialog is hilarious and sharp to listen to as these two debate and argue on various topics, forming two completely different personalities into one residence. But really, the ten-year- old daughter Lucy gets most of the best lines. If me Ten-year old sister was that smart I'd never be able to stand her (and I barely can as it is).

The movie is again, one of those ones you'll want to screen first, mostly because of some sexual jokes one wouldn't want to explain. (rated R)It's defiantly a great date movie, though, and really proves that even Nickolaus Sparks has some to learn from Simon. It's a Turner Classic Movie Favorite, so if you scan once and a while I'm sure you'll catch it for free.

My mission continues well. The Flick Chick, signing off.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16th : The Last Man On Earth

"A devastating plague wipes out the world's population.The lone survivor, Dr. Bob Morgan manages to stay alive thanks to an immunity he picked up while researching the bacteria. As night falls, Plague victims leave their graves to form a hellish army of the undead thirsting for blood!"

So, if you're a typical movie goer today, you recognized that plot description as the one for the Will Smith Flick a few years ago, I Am Legend. Oh, you remember :

But actually, that's the description on the back of my DVD case for The Last Man On Earth, a movie of the near exact same plot-line but instead starring Vincent Price that come out in 1964. Now, Any Tim Burton fan would know Vincent Price as the directors person hero, but for those who claim sanity, Price is better known in this generation as that scientist guy from Edward Scissorhands.

Anyways, the movie aspired I Am Legend during the entirety of the movie.
For those who have yet to see I Am Legend or The Last Man On Earth, The story is about a plague (told in different details in the 2 versions but lets go with the original since its old) that whipes out the entire world except one man, who has built up an immunity to it. Those who were infected with the virus later walk the earth, vampiric and blood thirsty. Morgan (Price) continues too live day after day for years, going mad by trying to force himself not to have emotions but having laughing and crying fits for what horrors he has seen. The end of the movie is shocking and deffinatly in the taste of old horror. The Ending of The Last Man On Earth is even rather different and more tragic than that of it's remake, and is defiantly a movie that doesn't frighten or disgust you, but really leaves you thinking.

The movie isn't rated, and really not very Violent, considering the vampires are the good old fashioned slow rotting kind, not like Strong Edward Cullen (don't get me wrong...the BOOKS are good) but there is still some violent concept ideas, so don't worry extensively, but if your like my mom who didn't let me watch Pokemon until my teens, screen this one first.
This full movie is on Youtube (not in pieces the whole thing!!!) at this link
No strings attached its really there. I can't promise the quality the quality but its there.

So far the old movie mission is a success, but two movies isn't much to tell by. hopefully tomorrow's movie impresses me as much as these.
Wish me luck!

Flick Chick signing off.