Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25th: Breakfast at Tiffany's

This one I borrowed from a friend, but it's such a classic it can be found Everywhere. Breakfast at Tiffany's came out in 1961 Starring Audry Hepburn as Holly Golightly. Really, though, this story is about A man named Paul and what happens to him when he moves into the same building as Holly, and all the weird situations the two get into including (but not limited to):
  • Revealing Holly's true identity
  • Stealing masks from the toy store
  • Getting in trouble with the mafia
  • And the always climactic, Finding your nameless cat before making out in the rain
The movie is now a Hepburn classic, and originally Blake Edwards (the director ) had wanted Elizabeth Taylor to do the part. It just proves that when in theater, TRUST THE MUSES.

The movie is not only a classic for Hepburn, but also the one people bring up with mentioning how classy and stylish she is. Wow. Apparently two generations before this one people knew something because if I was as 'classy' As Audry Hepburn is this movie, people would think I'm insane. (Of course, most of them already do thing I'm insane......)

The movie is a great romantic comedy, and i think its a great date movie. Note: there is a difference between date movie and make-out movie in my book )

Well, back in New York today. I'm feeling a round trip theme erupting in old movies. For now,
The Chick of Flick, Signing off

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