Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 27th: Sunday in New York

My Dad told me that I wasn't a real review-ist until I wrote a negative review. This made sense to me, so I decided to review a movie I really didn't like. Totally thought I had found it when I saw the description for this one. I had right away guessed it to be boring, and was even disappointed in watching it, sure that it would be awful.

Well, just from that you can infer that my guessing is awful because I really can't write a bad review about this film.

Sunday in New York came out in 1963 starring one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen :Jane Fonda. I didn't know it was her in the movie until I read more than the description and her comedic attitude surely added to this story what it wouldn't have had otherwise.

Fonda stars as a 22-year-old woman, Aileen, who is no local to New York (as shown just by seeing her clumsiness walk around
) She comes to New York to visit her brother, Adam, and ask him a question: Should a girl just sleep with a man when he expects her to? Aileen has been having trouble with guys, because she wants to remain a virgin until marriage. Her brother (doing the natural big brother thing) convinces her that the answer is no, even telling her he is a virgin too to make her feel better (meanwhile, he's trying to get his sister to go away so he and his sweetheart can get it on for the millionth time.)

Well, Aileen believes him and goes about other business in New York for the morning, running into an awkward stranger when her pin gets stuck to his coat on the bus. He, in hopes to convince her ruining his jacket was okay between them, takes her to eat, but she ditches him, only to meet him on the same bus again. the two of them end up spending the day together, and become quite the friends. When they go back to her apartment, Aileen figures out Adam lied, and figured that the "No" answer was really a yes, and tries to seduce her new friend, Michael, by the way. He refuses to do anything with her because she is a virgin, but rather because he wants her to wait until she's married. The arguement over this is the best scene in the entire movie. But then!!!!! As the two are fighting in bathrobes, in come the guy that Aileen really thinks she's in love with to proclaim he's sorry about the Virgin thing, proclaiming his love for Aileen.
(This guy, must say, is a serious Schmuck to me. Its like "Yeah, It's okay you didn't want me, and it's also okay you made me want to sleep with a near stranger for your approval. Of course I'll marry you" Yeah....That'll happen).

That, my friends, is where the movie really erupts into craziness, and is a serious treat to watch. I'm not disappointed in not finding a bad movie if it led me to this one in he process.

YouTube has shamed me with it's having nothing in relation to this movie aside the opening credits song of the same name. Still, If you see it on TCM or anywhere else it's one of the better movies I've ever watched, just under 2 hours long, In color, and,aside moral standing and a few sexual commentaries (not raunchy, very discreet) Its a great movie to watch with Teens or adults. Not to mention, this movie is the best example of "the confusion without cell-phone" I have ever seen, because lack of communication leads to ALL of Adam's problems while we follow his story with Aileen's.

Never judge a book by its cover, nor movie by its Dish Network review.

Dear God, New York is a great place for old movies, but can I go back to Ireland or someplace new soon?

The Chick Of Flick

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