Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29th: The African Queen

One of the fondest memories I have from my childhood was sleeping over at my Grandma Anne and Uncle Jerry's place because they lived all the way in Arizona. My mother and father once let my brother and I stay over the night all by ourselves. My Grandparents were about as excited as we were (If not more) And we ate chocolate Popsicles while watching some old movie. I remember they all fell asleep to this, but I stayed awake, To intrigued by the story to sleep. Now we live in Arizona, And I asked Grandpa to lend me the VHS for my project.
I love this Movie.

The African Queen came out in 1951, starring Katharine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. This is a great Adventure romance, with a little bit of a hanging ending. Katharine Hepburn stars as a Bible-happy Missionary,Rose, who, with her brother, started a church in an African village just before WWI. Bogart enters as Charlie, the scruffy Delivery guy, a real Yank to the two pristine British siblings.
The German troops attack and burn down the village that Rose and her brother were volunteering in. When the two are the only ones left, her brother goes crazy over the tradgity, and dies in only days. When Charlie comes back, he and Rose bury the body, and take off down the river before the German's come back, Sailing the African Queen down Africa. Well, they come up with an idea to make a torpedo and send it at the boat that attacked, but in the mean time, the story is about these two complete opposites try to live in the same boat, avoiding all kinds of disasters. Of course, everyone knows, opposites attract.

This movie is in Technicolor, and great as a family movie, if it was so great to me as a little ten-year-old. Not rated, but I'd give it about a PG, and highly recommend it.
This really picked me up after yesterdays disappointment, and I wasn't fidgety at all.

Project continues well. And hey! Africa!

The Flick Chick

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