Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 30th: Mr. Roberts

Everyone Pretty much knows It's Memorial day because of all the beer parties and camp-outs that are going on this weekend, so it shouldn't come as much a surprise that TCM is celebrating with movies, War movies. Well, though there are always good ones, only so many war movies have actually held my interest. My mom was searching TCM for something, saw this, and her automatic response was to look at me and with her eyes ask 'How's that. I can find movies too,huh?' Well, I was less than enthused just at the whole "war movie" deal, but I figured it had to be better than All About Eve. Later today she asked her father (who comes over for dinner once a week) if that was the movie where they threw the palm tree overboard. Okay, more intrigued. And I watched mostly for the idea of wondering how the heck a palm tree was thrown in.

Mister Roberts come out in 1955 starring Henry Fonda. Well, we all saw his daughter in my bad guess movie, Sunday In New York. Here, He's a Lt. Roberts, Usually just called Roberts or Dug, on a Navy cargo ship during WWII. Roberts is the crew rep. to the Captain, who really comes off as a bitter old lady with an abnormal obsession with his sacred palm tree.

Roberts is constantly fighting for the rights or even tiny privileges of the men, serving as the leader against the crews rivalry against the captain, but also serving like a big brother to the entire crew during the antics they pull.
The movie has an amazing ending, both just an adorable, and serves to the end of a really great film. The picture is only about two hours long, and isn't rated, but there is NOTHING to worry about with even the youngest of kids watching it.

Well, thinking about changing the layout to be a little brighter and easier to follow. Wish me luck!

The Flick Chick

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